Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Hey-o Bloggers of Hell! Its your main man Lucifer, baby!

I was getting bored with hunting (shocking right!?) and decided to try something new. Time passes so slow here you know? Its literally the same shit day after day after day after day! So I figured I’d start blogging. I hear its all the rage up there. Not up up there, though.  Anyway, not sure what I’ll do with this yet. Maybe I’ll make it so that everyone has to read it every day! Oh yeah that will rock! What should they read though…hm. Oh! One idea could be that they have to read about every single embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to them! Heh, then they’ll think everyone else knows their worst moments. Haha, what a riot! I’m sure it’ll be just as popular as those TV commercials.

So yeah, I was hanging out with some lame-o writers the other day. Felt like stirring things up a bit, you know? Shakespeare, Spencer, and a bunch of other tight-wearing nerds were all boohooing about not being able to make new works because of their computers crashing all the time. So I felt like helping out cause I’m such a nice guy you know? All the citizens of Hell are like my loving children <3 So I let called up Beezy (That’s what I all Beelzebub…he hates it lol!) to come fix up Old Willy’s computer. Countless hours, bruises, burns later Shakespeare is typing away happily. Except that his hands can’t stop typing and he has to use the bathroom really bad! lol to make things even more juicy every other word is “poopybutt.”
Isn’t this the funniest thing ever!

Can’t wait to see how the show comes out!


  1. Ive been pretty bored being chained up to this lake so i decided to make a blog too. GreaT minds think alike I guess

  2. I have also decided to make a blog recently; things are so boring here like you said, it is the same thing all the time. I actually talked about that in one of my posts if you are interested in checking it out. It sounds like your repetitive things are more entertaining then mine are though. However, it is fun watching Cynthia coming back from Electroshock everyday. Haha.
